Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pterophyllum Altum

Pterophyllum Altum, also referred to as angelfish Altum, Deep angelfish, or Orinoco angelfish, there is very little in the Orinoco River Basin and Watershed Upper Rio Negro in southern Venezuela, Southeastern Colombia and extreme Northern Brazil. This is the largest species of the genus and specimens with a size of more than 50 cm (from tip to tip of dorsal fin anal) have been found in the wild, the aquarium, specimens are known to have developed more than 40 cm. natural base color is silver but with three brownish vertical stripes / red with red stripes to the fin. Species may have red spots and dark blue-green back as adults. Characteristics of water suitable for these fish is with a pH range between 4.5 to 5.8. Blackwater water conditions and very clear with the conductivity is almost nil. The temperature ranges in these waters are among the Template: Convert /. They are also found in the River Atabapo and Inirida river flood plains, down GuainĂ­a Casiquiare and flood plains that appear on the Rio Negro river before entering the Brazilian territory. Unlike P. scalare (mentioned above) who prefers to lay eggs on the leaves of submerged plants and trees in the rainforest, P. altum prefers to spawn on submerged roots and branches of trees in water is hard to find today. This type is recommended for experienced hobbyist because of its maintenance is very detailed and thorough. Pterophyllum Altum is Venezuela's national fish and fish pictures appeared on some of the country's currency.

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