Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pterophyllum Leopoldi

Pterophyllum leopoldi, also known as teardrop angelfish / long-nosed angelfish / angelfish dwarf or long-nosed angelfish angelfish Roman is a species of river dwellers who come from the rivers in the Amazon River basin along the Solimões River, Amazon River, and Rupununi River. It is distinguished from other members of the genus Pterophyllum of the absence of grooves form the back and with a black spot on her back and inserts vertical line on the body. The species was originally described as Plataxoides leopoldi (platax / fish kelalawar) in 1963 by JP Gosse, and often wrongly identified as P. dumerilii when the species is imported in the ornamental fish trade. P. leopoldi is the smallest of the species and the most aggressive angelfish .

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