Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pterophyllum Scalare

Pterophyllum scalare, the species most often referred to as Manfish or freshwater angelfish, Pterophyllum is the most common species to the tangkarkan. Original natural habitats include the Amazon River basin in Peru, Colombia, and Brazil, particularly the Ucayali, and Solimões, and the rivers of Amapá in Brazil, Oyapock River in French Guiana and the Essequibo River in Guyana. This fish is found in swamps or flood-fed pond where dense vegetation and good water or muddy. The original condition of the water ranges from pH 6.0 to 8.0, the hardness of the water ranges from 5-13 dH, and water temperature between 24-30 ° C (75-86 ° F). This fish was originally described as the scalaris Zeus in 1823, and has also broken down into several different names, including scalaris Platax, Plataxoides dumerilii, Pterophillum eimekei, Pterophyllum dumerilii, and eimekei Pterophyllum.

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